Aghamsphere's Blog

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National Astronomy Week 2011

I used to work in a planetarium before and I found the profession very interesting. It was an awesome feeling whenever I see people being amazed with the cosmic show. Its like I have the power to manipulate the universe; making the star twinkle and bigger, making the planets rotate as faster as I want, tracing the comet’s path of journey and seeing other heavenly bodies closer which only powerful telescope can do. Its like everything is beyond my reach and control (well, digitally!). Its good to know that even if we do not have yet sent a Filipino in outer space, we are still able to see the universe because of some wonderful people who choose astronomy as their profession and some even make it as a hobby. They’re helping a lot in informing the Filipinos about what’s above the sky, what’s beyond our eyes can see. They serve as our telescope, our window to see wonders of the universe.

This 3rd week of February, the astronomical community in our country will celebrate the annual National Astronomy Week. It is a week long celebration with talks about astronomy, as a hobby and as a profession, telescope and photo exhibits and stargazing session with various astronomical organizations.

This year’s theme is “Astronomy: Transforming the Culture of Learning Toward Nation Building”. I do encourage all of you specially students to attend this event. I have attended one a few years ago and I will never forget the first time I saw the planet Saturn and its rings, the Pleiades and the Great Orion Nebula. My feeling that time was incomparable for I know I am one of only few Filipinos who had given the chance to witness such great wonders.

For your reference, here are some of the event links by different astronomical organizations:
Philippine Astronomical Society NAW 2011
3rd Philippine Astronomy Convention (PAC 2011) by Astronomical League of the Philippines

Proclamation No. 130

Proclamation No. 130

*Photo credit:
*NAW Links:

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